Giving back

As we grow in communities throughout Arizona, we are always looking for ways to give back. These are the charities and organizations we are proud to have worked with: 

Toys 4 Tacos

For the past 5 years, we annually host our Toys 4 Tacos holiday toy drive to collect toys to gift to Arizona children in need during the holiday season. Our charity partners have included:

·         Academic Opportunity of Arizona: Implements educational funding and support to children in Arizona with disabilities and financial hardships.

·         Phoenix Rescue Mission: Gives back to women, men and children who are homeless throughout the Valley.


·         The Foster Alliance (Formerly Arizona Helping Hands): Provides essential services to children in foster care throughout Arizona.

Burritos 4 Breast Cancer Awareness Month

After witnessing an employee’s journey surviving breast cancer, we launched a fundraiser throughout October 2023 for Breast Cancer Awareness Month to benefit Susan G. Komen. We donated a percentage of all burrito and merchandise sales to Komen all month long, and we’re proud to have raised over $12,000 to help aid Breast Cancer Research. 

Tacos 4 Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Continuing our support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, in October 2024 we partnered with The Larry Fitzgerald Foundation. A percentage of in-store taco sales this month were donated to their Breast Believe Campaign, where we raised $8,100 for Breast Cancer Awareness.

Autism Acceptance Month

In April 2024, we teamed up with the Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center for Autism Acceptance Month. A percentage of all sales this month were donated to SARRC, where we raised over $1,200.

National Quesadilla day

For National Quesadilla Day 2024, we donated $1 from every quesadilla sold that day to Waste Not, to supply food to Arizonan’s in need. 

LA Fire Support

To support relief efforts during the LA fires, we donated a percentage of all burrito sales in January 2025 to the LA Fire Department, raising over $3,100.

Party Platter Catering

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